Indoor Gardening
Winter is here but it does not mean that it will extend in your home! Here are 5 easy to care for indoor plants.
Pathos Ivy
Needs some light but not full sun, likes to be watered maybe once or twice a week. Beautiful to have in the home cause it can fill up a space quick.
Jade Tree
Jade Trees do very well in indoor varieties. They are semi succulent and can handle drier conditions. Watering infrequently is best during the fall and winter months, and regular weekly watering in the spring and summer months. Plant in a sturdy pot and they need full or partial sun.
Snake Tongue Plant
Snake Tongue Plant is THE GOAT of indoor houseplants. It is the hardiest succulent and does great in shade, sun, or partial shade. I hardly water my own at home and do as infrequently.
Spider Plant
An oldie but a goldie for the easy to care for houseplant. With its clump of leaves and dangling babies its also easy to propagate and make more. It like shade and partial shade.
Another succulent, but an easy plant that only requires a simple pot and infrequently watering and full sun. Also makes babies that can be easy to propagate.
Enjoy these plants while the winter is gracing us!