Seasonal To Do’s

A Helpful Guide for all your landscaping needs…


o   Roses, if covered with mulch from the late fall needs to be uncovered, any dead branches pruned out, and fertilized with products like Espoma’s RoseTone (NPK of 4-3-2).  

o   Crab Grass pre emergent treatment with fertilizer for the lawn

o   Cleanup of garden beds to remove diseased leaves

o   Cleanup of broken branches on the lawn and make a brush pile to be burned or removed.

o   Divide perennials that bloom in the summer and fall

o   Prune spring blooming shrubs

o   Weed, Edge, and Mulch gardens

o   Set up Peony Hoops for Peonies and other tall heavy flowering perennials

o   Divide Ornamental Grasses if need be

o   Do a spring cleanup on the lawn from leaves to prevent spotting; can be mulched up with lawn mower or bagged in large areas.

o   Still be aware of frost warnings and cover plants with light blankets or fruit cloth

o   Plant perennials when you can for best root growth.

  • o   Late Spring (a week before or right after Memorial Day weekend) plant annuals in the gardens or containers. Most vegetables can be planted as well.



o   Deadhead perennials and annuals.

o Shear Hedges, Topiaries, Shrubs that are shaped

o   Support climbing plants and tall perennials either tying them or adding stakes or trellis’s

o   Look out for pests and diseases, research how to rid of it if any are found

o   Cut back the foliage of spring bulbs and bloomers

o   Water new plantings deeply twice a week. Water perennials up till November. Annuals up to mid September or October.

o   Water Tomatoes evenly to prevent blossom end rot

o   Fertilize annuals once a week

o   Prune dead branches out of shrubs and ornamental trees

o   Post emergent weed control with fertilizer the lawn

o   Assess what is working and not working in the gardens. Take notes to look back on in the winter

o   Cut lawn at 3”, let clippings go back on lawn instead of bagging to help lawn health



o   Plant trees and shrubs, water thoroughly till November two to three times a week.

o   Plant spring blooming bulbs and fertilize existing bulbs. Tip, add crush stone to hole to prevent digging up from voles, squirrels, and chipmunks.

o   Remove summer annuals

o   Plant Fall annuals in containers or garden beds

o   Cut back perennials, leave any seed bearing perennials that you wish for winter interest

o   Move any large summer foliage plants indoors

o   Plant bare rooted Peonies in the fall

o   Prune Roses, fertilize, and cover base up to 2”-3” with mulch

o   Cleanup gardens and lawn from leaves

o   Set up plow stakes on driveway

o   Dig up any tender summer bulbs like Dahlias, Gladiolas, Canna Lilies, and Elephant Ears. Store in a paper bag with newspaper in a cool, dark, dry space.

o   Put Deer Fencing around Shrubs like Rhododendrons, Hydrangeas, Hemlocks, Hollies, and Dogwoods since they are first to be nibbled on in the winter.

o   Burlap any broadleaf evergreens from sun and wind



o   Prune fruiting trees and ornamental trees and shrubs like Smokebush (Cotinus corryiga) Dogwoods (Cornus servicea) and Panicle & Smooth Leaf Hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata and Hydrangea arborscens)

o   Read back on your season notes and plan for the following season!




the Allure of Stone