Fall Lawn Care

Fall is the best time to repair a lawn. It is also the best time to fertilize and maintain your lawn’s health. Here are the steps to take of your lawn in the fall.

Step 1

Mow lawn at lowest setting so it’s 2″ or shorter, bag clippings.

Step 2

Dethatch lawn with a stiff rake. Thatch is built up grass matter that over time prevents growth. Remove any weeds like crabgrass and bentgrass.

Step 3

Top dressing with good top soil, spread out evenly.

Step 4

Water soil to let seed adhere better.

Step 5

Seed with a mix good for the area. Sun mixes, shade mixes, and sun & shade mix are readily available at a local nursery, farmer exchange, or hardware store.

In the cooler months watering the repaired lawn will be less and a good sprinkler system in the morning will be best a couple times a week. If hot and dry water as accordingly, maybe a few times or more during the week.


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